
Find Local Billboards in Harrisburg, Illinois


About Harrisburg

Find and purchase local ads for Harrisburg, Illinois online! Before you look at local ad rates in Harrisburg it's an excellent idea to think about the potential audience you could reach with advertisements within Harrisburg, Illinois. The region of Harrisburg, Illinois has a number of 13,336 people and 5,581 households. The median home value is $67,235. The average size of a family is 2.30. The population of Harrisburg, Illinois is expected to decrease by -2.2 percent. If you're interested in local advertisements that target females or males the breakdown for Harrisburg, Illinois is 0.97 male(s) for each female. For other demographic information Harrisburg, Illinois is home to 93.4 percent whites, 6.5% black people, and 0.4 percent Asian people. 1.3 percent of residents are from Hispanic ethnicity. Income and home ownership are additional factors to take into account when evaluating the target audience for local ads for local advertising. For each 3.01 homeowner(s) within Harrisburg, Illinois there is one renter. In Harrisburg, the median income for households is $35,568 and the median family income of $47,184. If you're seeking ads that are suitable for people within the same educational level in the Harrisburg region has a high percentage of school graduates, 69 percent. Of those who decided to pursue an education 52% of them left college. Of the remaining 48% who completed their college 22% of them completed an advanced, professional, or doctoral degree. The jobs in this sector can be classified into three groups that are: 22% of people employed in Harrisburg are employed in the service sector, and 25% are employed in blue-collar positions while those who are left are in white collar jobs.

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